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"Jackie Hayden has a compassionate heart for ministering to women of all ages. God created unique experiences in Jackie’s life that allow insights to help others see the freshness of God at work in their own life. Knowing Jackie for almost 50 years, I can say with clarity that her love for God and willingness to serve Him has been a determining factor in everything she does in life. Seeking to be a lighthouse to her family, friends, and community, Jackie uses her many talents and passions to minister wherever she goes."

- Theresa Hale

Christian female singer Jackie Hayden in East Texas women's group

My Heart's Song

Ps. 28:7 "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him."

It’s not uncommon in our walks with God to feel hurt, anger, and even loneliness, whether that be towards God or man. We shift our gaze from Jesus to earthly things, sometimes without even realizing it. I would love to share my story and remind your audience that they are not alone; there is peace and freedom in Christ. It IS possible to live life in the joy of the Lord that comes through God’s strength alone. 

My story includes a season of enduring hurt that caused me to build a wall of unforgiveness. I grew bitter, angry, and fearful towards the people I thought I could trust, but God graciously reminded me of the forgiveness He showed me through Jesus, and that I am commanded to show that same forgiveness to others. True forgiveness is the key to healing, and true healing can only come from God, who can turn our ugly into beauty and remind us of the purpose for which we were created.  

I would love to share with your group how God’s way is the best way, not man’s. Man can plan all he wants, but it is the Lord who establishes his steps. Let me remind your group that they are worthy and loved by Jesus Christ, and called according to His purpose.  

During my talks, we will look at what bitterness does to our souls. We will discover that bitterness and unforgiveness does not lead to lasting healing. Only when we are obedient to forgive and surrender, will we experience the true freedom for which we were designed. Just as the caterpillar once thought life was over, it turned into a butterfly--just as Christ’s forgiveness changed our story, forgiveness towards others changes everything. 

Caterpillar turns Butterfly - Jackie Hayden theme
Jackie Hayden female Christian speaker graduate of Christian Communicators
Calendar Jackie Hayden women's Bible study speaker
Jackie Hayden author of Christian devotions


Download my one-sheet promo PDF in which I reveal my certainty of God's call upon my life and ministry, and of course, how we can get into contact.


I went through a season of hurt, anger, and bitterness that caused me to withdraw and build a wall of false security. I learned that the enemy really does come to steal, kill, and destroy; he lied to me to keep me from following God’s plan for my life. But God has shown me that the true key to forgiveness is to surrender all to Him, and upon surrendering, there is also freedom.

I am passionate about using my story to remind others that only God can transform and set our focus back on Jesus Christ. The lessons I learned made me better for His purpose. 

God has impressed on my heart a message of hope -- that there IS freedom from the lies and hurts that hold us back from serving God with an unhindered heart. His restoration in my life has made me a better wife, mom, Meme, and women’s leader. Please allow me to share with your ladies this message of hope.

My favorite verse: “Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul.” Prov. 16:24

Honey dripping into jar - kind words are like hony
Various News Outlets that Reported Jackie Hayden Christian Speakermotivational Female Christian speaker East Texas


Speaking Engagements and Events

motivational Female Christian speaker East Texas

Dates pending


8-10 Planning Mtg CCC 2025
22-23 Rock N Retreat, Lonestar, Tx


9 Ladies Christmas Luncheon, Emmanuel Baptist, Whitehouse, Tx

motivational Female Christian speaker East Texas

24-25 Meadowbrook Baptist Church Retreat, Waco, Tx


Dates pending


8- Womens Conf, Longview Msnry Bapt, Longview, Tx
28-29 Deep In The Heart Conf., Tyler, Tx

motivational Female Christian speaker East Texas

Dates pending


Dates pending


Dates pending

motivational Female Christian speaker East Texas